The 14th  and the 15th of June 2017 in Maribor at the Slovenian partners center: Styrian Technology Park (STP) the 4th meeting of Easmus3D+ project successfully took place.

Partners exchanged their ideas about the state of the art of the project, i.e about the educational material, the implementation of what was planned before and about the goals already reached.

All the partner organizations took part in the following meetings: CETEM (Centro tecnológico del mueble y la madera de la región de Murcia) in Spain, CEIPES (Centro Internazionale Per La Promozione del Educazione e Lo Sviluppo) in Italy, KIT (The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) in Germany, and STP (Styrian Technology Park) in Slovenia.

The project is co-financed by European Commission within the Erasmus+ program, Key Action 2 (Strategic Partnership in the Field of Education, Training and Youth, Vocational Education and Trainig). The objective is to introduce the 3D printer to companies, youth entrepreneurships, students, professionals and the world of vocational education.

During the meeting partners presented the innovative e-learning platform, on which lessons and knowledge will be spread out, as well as true training material useful in working with 3D printer and in developing learning pathways.

Finally, webinars, widely discussed during the meeting, will be realized soon, presenting the content of teaching material developed within the project.

This ambitious project will provide help in reduction the differences that exist between European countries and regions in refer to the availability and the access to education.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission - application number 2015-1-DE02-KA202-002496. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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