
KIT – Germany


KIT – The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, was established by the merger of the Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe and the University of Karlsruhe. With more than 6.000 researches and 24.000 students KIT combines the tasks of a german university with those of a research center of the Helmholtz Association in the areas of research, teaching, and innovation. KIT assumes responsibility for contributing to the sustainable solution of the challenges that face the society, industry, and the environment. Engineering sciences, natural sciences, the humanities, and social sciences make up the scope of subjects covered by KIT. In high interdisciplinary interaction, scientists of these disciplines study topics extending from the fundamentals to application and from the development of new technologies to the reflection of the relationship between man and technology. KIT’s research covers the complete range from fundamental research to close-to-industry, applied research and from small research partnerships to long-term large-scale research projects.

CETEM – Spain


CETEM – Asociacion Empresarial De Investigacion Centro Tecnologico Del Muebley La Madera De La Region De Murcia is a non-profit scientific research and training organization located in the south east of Spain. CETEM was created due to an initiative of the private companies from the furniture and woodworking sectors of the Region of Murcia, and established in 1995 with the initial support of the regional government, the Spanish Ministry of Industry and the European Union. CETEM is formed by 30 professionals with different backgrounds: engineering, technology transfer, business administration, chemistry, psychology, teaching, design, etc. Which scope is to contribute actively towards the socioeconomic development of companies by providing support and promoting processes of technology innovation and development, such as strategies of competitiveness in the business environment and training programmes.

CEIPES – Italy

Logo ceipesCEIPES – Centro Internazionale Per La Promozione del Educazione e Lo Sviluppo is a non-profit European organization with antennas in more than 8 European countries. The main purpose of CEIPES is to promote the Education and Development of young people and adults through activities in education, training, culture, nonviolence, interculturality, solidarity, human rights, active citizenship, international cooperation, and promote services thus contributing to human and civil growth at individual, community and world levels.

CEIPES works at local, European and international level with more than 40 organisations and public bodies that work in synergy to reach identical goals. At local level CEIPES coordinates the CEIPES Network which is based in Sicily and counts more than 20 organisations as well as public and private bodies. In this moment CEIPES works in different fields: Innovation And Development, Youth, Education, Reserch, Training, Learning Mobility, Culture And Social Welfare”.

STP – Slovenia


STP – Styrian Technology Park has been founded in 1994 and is a non-profit business support organization, based in Podravje region, Slovenia. Besides the headquarters offices in Pesnica by Maribor, STP manages its activities also within two additional branches (business units) in the 2nd largest city of Maribor. The main scope of STPs activities is focused on provision of comprehensive support for SMEs in Podravje region, in different stages of their lifecycle – from the “setting up the business” stage, to the stages of growth, development, internationalization, restructuring activities, etc… STP acts as the Regional Center for Technology Development (RCTR), pursuing technological and innovative research and development sphere among / with different target groups and topics. Within RCTR a Technology Hub (cluster) of North Slovenia is being set up at the moment.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission - application number 2015-1-DE02-KA202-002496. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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