Meeting in Palermo: new steps to the final goal!

Palermo city hosted the third partner meeting of the Erasmus3D+ project.

The 3th partner meeting of the Erasmus3D+ project (Erasmus+ – KA2) has successfully taken place in Palermo (Italy) on the 20th of October, hosted by one of the partners: CEIPES association.

img_0532 All the partner organizations have been involved with their representatives in the Sicilian meeting: CEIPES (Centro Internazionale Per La Promozione del Educazione e Lo Sviluppo) from Italy, KIT (The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) from Germany, CETEM (Centro tecnológico del mueble y la madera de la región de Murcia) from Spain and STP (Styrian Technology Park) from Slovenia.

This meeting has been an important moment for the recognition of the work done so far by the partners and for the planning of the work that will be done until the end of the project.img_0520

The partners are making a new and innovative e-learning platform in order to spread and share knowledge and competences to students, managers and professionals about 3D printing.

All the partners are focused to achieve the projects goals, in the next weeks they will implement the platform and all the material that the learners will need.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission - application number 2015-1-DE02-KA202-002496. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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